I wasn't curiosity that led me down the rabbit hole this time. It's just that I left my twin soul behind, so I had to go back. I found him in a desolate place, bleeding. I was hoping I could arouse him enough to follow me out after our last Underworld excursion. But apparently he wanted to lead me down deeper into the poisoned darkness. Whorror! I was sure I would drown in these delusions until I remembered who I am. Ascent. Our names shall be forever written among the grim shadows.
I'll be blogging regularly again. I've also added brand new soaps to my
new Etsy shop. For example: Isis Unveiled ~ Limited Edition Soap ~ Ylang Ylang, Lemon, and Frankincense essential oils w/ ground lavender

The Veiled Isis is custodian of the mysteries of darkness that must be veiled from the cowan (non-witch). In the occult, the Veiled Isis is man’s only path to godhood. Why is she veiled? Because her face is too terrifying to behold, and because the Mysteries of the magick she guards are so awful, few, if any, can make it through the veil to the supernal triad of the Tree of Life, and hence to godhood. Isis is the consort of Osiris, she is the Mystery of Iniquity. The Moon is Rising.