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Noah could mix up a magick potion like nobodies business! He was known to liven up a boring party or club by sprinkling graveyard dirt on the dancefloor to invite Guédé. "Cause the dead know how to get down!" he'd say, and it worked every time! The primary aim of his practice was to assist people in accessing their dormant spiritual power. He provided tools for healing and transformation. However, he was free from religious dogma and moral restrictions, so he had no problem conjuring up the hounds of hell for revenge spells if a situation called for it, exclaiming "well if a bitch don't ack right!" His lady clients swore by his love mojos...he put "a pinch of dirty" in everything for good measure! His clients would come back looking all fresh and be like "I don't know what you put in that thing but whatever it was it worked!" Later he'd say something mischievous like "yeah, all she really needed was a good shag" Ha! And yet he would call me out for putting red candles on my altar (typically love candles are pink, red for sex) he'd shake his head and say "Just look at ya, your always on the dick Lavona!" Haa...that boy cracked me up!

Noah put magick in everything he touched! He was always creating something like his own clothing, costumes, amazing art and jewelry. The studio where he lived/worked while in Chicago was a colorful witchy gypsy den...everything was customized in the "House of Zubi." He baked the best cakes in the world...super fancy Magick Voodoo cakes! He told this one story that I'll never forget, I'll give you the short version ~ "So there I was in Seattle, homeless because the Archangels burnt my house down...but I didn't feel sorry for myself. Instead, Kirk and I decided to get dressed up in velvet and powdered wigs...then we bought expensive decedent pastries with what little money we had and ate them while sitting on top of the dumpster behind the bakery." (He was quite certain the Archangels were to blame for his house catching fire because he was dabbling in Gnosticism.) Whenever I was feeling pathetic and down about my life, he'd bring me baked goods and say "well at least you can still eat cake!"

Noah was the kind of guy who burned his candle at both ends. Sometimes he needed to be reminded to eat or get some sleep. He would say "Sleep is the brother of Death, I'll sleep when I'm Dead!" Friday night he passed away in his sleep...hopefully in peace. Today I remembered the time Noah and I watched the Peter Pan movie at our friend Angela's house. We LOVED it! We couldn't believe how much Noah looked like Captain Hook played by Jason Isaacs! Noah rocked the pirate theme forever after! I got to thinking about what a dazzling, adventurous spirit Noah is. Then I remembered the part of the movie when Peter Pan says "To die would be an awfully big adventure" When I lit a candle for Noah, I made a wish that he has many more beautiful adventures as he travels through the Universe back to Source. I smiled knowing that the people who love him will see him again someday...cause all we'll have to do is follow the trail of gold dust he leaves behind...
R.I.P The Legendary, Baron Zubi ~ 1976-2009