With my heart in hand, I set out to open my Etsy shop. I decided to change the name to Beloved & Co. I don't think it was really evident at the time why I should change it...I just listen to the Voices! The first person I reached out to was a Myspace friend, Leila Marvel. She keeps a virtual gallery through her Myspace page called the Red Heart Cult, featuring her favorite artists and own creations. We share a common interest in Artwork that embodies both the Sacred and Profane...Religious Iconography, Memento Mori, and Esoterica. She flies the Sacred Heart flag...Leila knows what's up! I admired her graphic design skills and aesthetic and asked if she'd be interested in helping me design an Etsy banner and matching Myspace banner! We sent ideas and images back and forth and she intuitively designed the perfect banner to represent my shop. Deep Forest Witchery and Arcane Delights! When I set off on this little journey, I felt little lost in the forest...a feeling of vulnerability that prevaded all aspects of my life. But there, in the deepest darkest part of the Forest I rediscovered the Magick...the Medicine! Deep within every fawn girl is the the heart of a Huntress...don't let those big doe eyes fool ya! "Passion makes the old medicine new: Passion lops off the bough of weariness. Passion is the elixir that renews: how can there be weariness when passion is present? Oh, don't sigh heavily from fatigue: seek passion, seek passion, seek passion!" - Mathnawi VI

I think it's safe to say that Leila found some Magick of her own! She is now doing freelance graphic design work, has her own Etsy shop, Red Heart 13, and fantastic blog! (Thank you for all your help and for being a great friend Leila...you are a GEM! I wish you all the love and goodness you need in 2009!) This has been a great year...I've met so many amazing people through Etsy and my blog! Thank you all for all for your kind comments, support and inspiration! 2009 is going to be a GREAT year, can't you feel it!?
Just wanted you to know how very much I enjoy your blog, you always have interesting and intriguing posts and links. Thanks!
Oh My gosh you bring tears to my blue eyes, those are the sweetest words I have ever read. I thought I would check out your blog here at work, and never thought you were thinking of me. Lavona, we must be on the same wave length. I have found a dear friend for life.
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