"The environmental movement has taught us humility and respect for the integrity of nonhuman nature. (i.e. plants, animals) We need a similar humility concerning our human nature. If we do not develop it soon, we may unwittingly invite the transhumanists to deface humanity with their genetic bulldozers and psychotropic shopping malls."

"The time will come when my pictures will be understood, they are destined for the 21st century." Emma Kunz 1892-1963 - Artist, Researcher, Healer
I was just pondering all this while looking at the Sacred Geometry of Emma Kunz. (see above) She created mandala-like grids which she used as instruments of healing. Emma Kunz lived during the turn of the century, when Industry reared it's ugly head. At 18, she began to use telepathy, prophecy and divination. I was thinking about how several generations later, modern artists of this genre like Fredrik Söderberg and Louise Despont, have the same spiritual thread running through their bodies of work. So how has "Human Enhancement Technology" really benefited the Collective Consciousness or the Environment anyway? Think about it...

Fredrik Söderberg

Louise Despont
"Time present and time past
Are both perhaps present in time future,
And time future contained in time past.
If all time is eternally present
All time is unredeemable."
Insightful and wise post. With on this~
What an eerily haunting poem. I have always wondered about time and space and what they mean for us as human beings that exist within them.
Let me ponder.
"Tired of being fed alleged "Satanic" propaganda by mainstream culture monsters like Lady Gaga?"
"Personally, I am in favor of Spiritual Evolution as opposed to "Human Enhancement Technologies"
Agreed ♥
In your last quote could you not replace "time" with "ideas?" Engaged in an Idea we have no time or space, at least no constructs of them. Is that the point of the art? Plato believed the truth of any human engaged discipline (mathematics, science, art) is the same: Truth. Some call it Darma, some God, some Universal Consciousness, some Love. Tapped into it is what makes us Human? Great post. I love the art. Peace.
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