Thursday, June 25, 2009

Mindflowers for You!

I've been away so long! I'm house sitting and have limited computer access...I have so much to tell you all, but no time! I'll be blogging regularly again very soon...but meanwhile...

Look at this: Blessing by Mati Klarwein 1965

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Listen to this: F2 The New Folk Podcast

The Angels of Light, "Promise of Water"
Larkin Grimm, "Ride That Cyclone"
The Entrance Band, "Grim Reaper Blues"
Quinn Walker, "Wind Chimes"
Mariee Sioux, "Friendboats"
Phosphorescent, "Wolves"

Watch This: Terence Mckenna


bloodmilk. said...

glad you'll be back soon....i've missed your musings!

Rose said...

"Turn your back on a culture that has gone sterile..."
Awesome video!