Ellen Rogers is the last of a dying breed, a photographer who uses film! All her work is analogue and the only digital equipment she uses is a scanner to scan the end result. Her beguiling photographs exude a dramatic sense of timelessness, as though created decades ago. She manifests haunting, ethereal images by experimenting with traditional darkroom processes...black magick!
i cannot begin to tell you how much i adore ellen's work. i've been following her for a little over a year or so, and her images never fail to crackle secrets and whispers at me. if you haven't yet watched her short films, you must: http://www.ellenrogers.co.uk/films
another strictly film photographer i think you will fall head over feet for (if you have not yet seen her work), is lauren e. simonutti (aka, lauren rabbit). she is a beautiful genius, and something i gave myself as a gift before i moved cities to embark on my own life, was bought a copy of one of her books (the madness is the method). her powerful imagery: http://www.flickr.com/photos/laurensimonutti/
i cannot begin to tell you how much i adore ellen's work. i've been following her for a little over a year or so, and her images never fail to crackle secrets and whispers at me. if you haven't yet watched her short films, you must: http://www.ellenrogers.co.uk/films
another strictly film photographer i think you will fall head over feet for (if you have not yet seen her work), is lauren e. simonutti (aka, lauren rabbit). she is a beautiful genius, and something i gave myself as a gift before i moved cities to embark on my own life, was bought a copy of one of her books (the madness is the method). her powerful imagery: http://www.flickr.com/photos/laurensimonutti/
I am madly inlove of thus blog.
Thanks for the links Annie! I'm going to check out Lauren's flickr right now!
Andrea...thank you! love & magick!
These rock!
Beautiful work! The last pic reminds me of one of my favourites, Irina Ionesco...
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