Monday, May 11, 2009

Kitchen Witchery Update!

Hello Loves! Hope you all you Mamas out there had a lovely Mother's Day! Here's a little update about my magical kitchen transformation! For those of you who have just recently found me, check out my Kitchen Witchery archives! Anyway, below is a pic from one little corner of my kitchen. See that wood slice with white magick weaving? It's 1 from a set of 2, called: 'As Above~So Below' by Chad of Mon Petit Fantome! (The significance of this phrase is that it is believed to hold the key to all mysteries. All systems of magic are claimed to function by this formula.) He gave them to me as a gift...what a wonderful surprise! I have both of them nestled between a set of 3 antique Black Forest hunting trophies! Love ya Chad!!!

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I bought these lovely prints from Caroline Gaedechens! Click here for a closer view They're printed on vintage book pages. I was going to frame them but I found these vintage wooden clip hangers, which I think will look pretty cool!

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More inspirations~ On the left: medicine woman, Susan Weed! I really want to take her Herbalism Correspondence Course!

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On the right: Cole & Son Woods Wallpaper. I've lost sleep over this wallpaper! I just wanted to cover one wall, but I rent my apartment so I'm not going to invest in something I can't take with me. It's $195.00 per roll, so even one wall would kill me! But there's good news...I found these canvas birch tree curtains for only $29.99 per 2 pack! If you remember me complaining about the ugly blinds in my kitchen, this is the perfect solution! I can create that birch forest aesthetic and get rid of my ugly blinds!

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Stella Dora von Swineburg said...

Wow! Congrats to you! Your kitchen is really shaping up the way you wanted and you are filling it with FABULOUS things! Its an inspiration to me to get my butt moving on my place. Good idea on the wooden hanger clips, that will be so much more interesting and unique than frames.

Uncommon Objects Blog said...

The pieces look so good in your kitchen hun! I love how you've placed them amongst your black forest antlers. I also love how we have the same prints of Caroline's. We are like minded witches :)

Angeliska said...

Mmm.. I have also been lusting for that wallpaper- I saw it in silver with black trees, and have been obsessed ever since. I am determined to have even just the one wall.. Sigh!
Can't wait to see your finished kitchen! It's going to be amazing, I can tell..

Lady Lavona said...

Oooh I didn't see the silver! But I love the black with gold trees!

Rose said...

If you are ever in NY we could do one of Susun Weed's moon circles!
I have been a student on and off for years and would highly recommend her
online classes. She's the real deal!

Anonymous said...

Love your blog, the picture of Susun Weed is one of my favourites of her,