Jenny Kendler is another artist exploring the theme of (Wo)Man and Nature. The body of work for her show titled "Wunderkammer" was inspired by 18th-19th Century natural history collections and memento mori portraits. The exhibit explored the past, present and future.

First, the walls were hung with graphite portraits of humans wearing animal masks, each one the face of an extinct species, each portrait drawn from a photograph taken in the year the animal became extinct. This alludes to the fact that man was ultimately responsible for the fate of these animals. Next, in the corner of the room an installation of colorful award ribbons, each painted with beautiful watercolors of endangered species of plants and animals...reminding the viewer of our environmental responsibilities, lest these species meet the same fate of the extinct.

Last, in the center of the room, a deer skull under a bell-jar grows new life. The image reveals possible future outcomes, it speaks of death and regeneration, and the possibility of healing our relationship with nature.
All of the profits from the sale of her works are donated to environmental charities such as Environmental Defense, Tropical Rainforest Coalition and The IUCN Red List for endangered species research and protection.