My friend
Maïssa sent me the link to the artist duo known as
Idiots. I'm totally at a loss for words...this kind of work invokes so many emotions all at once. The 'Idiots' have taken the taxidermy arts to a whole new level! They incorporate ceramics, handblown glass, forged metal, decorative embroidery, intricate bead work, ect...incredible! Just go check out their amazing site! Also, I've added a Wunderkammer section on the left, with links to art inspired by Cabinets of Curiosity and Wunderkammer!

*All animals used are from recycled taxidermy, found or donated. No animals are killed for use in their work.
these are really lovely.
And don't you know that I think these are absolutely amazing!
um, my heart actually stopped when i saw that second one.
i have to agree with verhext...the necklace is truly beyond amazing!
On the actual site, the taxidermy sleeping lioness whose back half is dissolving into melting metal is just amazing. I absolutely love it.
Wow, what fabulous things you have to show and tell!
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